Lecture of prof. Tamas Pajkossy – Hungarian Academy of Sciences – 4 September, 9.00
Dear Sirs,
we cordially invite you to attend the lecture of Professor Tamas Pajkossy (Department of Interfaces, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary).
Entitled: Analysis of voltammograms and impedance spectra of quasi-reversible redox systems: transformation to potential-program independent forms.
To be held at the CNBCh UW, on September 4, at 9.00.
More information: http://vpp.cnbch.uw.edu.pl/about-visitors/
Professor Pajkossy is the guest of the Research Group New Materials Electrochemistry headed by dr. Rafał Jurczakowski.
Prof. Pajkossy is the guest of the Research Group New Materials Electrochemistry.